Sunday, March 23, 2014

Why choose Alpha Accountants ?

Why choose Alpha Accountants ?

The Alpha Accountant Network  is a Training , Support and Mentoring System
for Accountants in Australia , New Zealand and South Africa .

1 :  Cloud Training - Is your head in the Cloud ?
      This incorporates ongoing Training and Updated Information
      on using the latest Cloud based software to improve your Business.
      We recommend that Alpha Accountants gradually transition
      into more advanced Cloud based software for the benefit of your Clients,
      and the improved Customer Service of your Accountancy practice.

2 :  Wholesale Finance , Home Loans -
      Would you like an allocated Credit Adviser working with your Clients ?
      We do not recommend outsourcing to external Mortgage Brokers
      who are not connected to the Alpha Network .
      a) What are the consequences of external Mortgage Brokers
          referring your Clients on to other Accountants ?
      b) What are the dangers of external Mortgage Brokers
           offering advice to your Clients about SMSF's ?
      c) What are the benefits of  having an allocated internal Credit Adviser ?
          Having a Credit Adviser who is allocated to your Business
          from the Alpha Accountants Network gives you more security with your Clients.
          The Alpha Accountants System acts as an Umpire to
          ensure that your Clients are not offered Products or Services
          outside of our ethical guidelines.
          This means that you can offer an Added Value Service to your Clients,
          without the fear of losing control of your Clients .
3) Ethical Guidelines for Financial Services .
With the recent proposed rollback of the Fofa Reforms,
it is absolutely imperative that a clear line of distinction is created between the
Accountant Fee For Service  Based model ,
and the Commission Based Financial Planner scheme.
As a result of the Fee For Service Model predominantly used by Accountants,
an Ethical Framework for advice can be achieved .
However , the Commission incentive offered to Financial Planners
mean that often advice is given that is unethical .
In the Alpha Accountants Network the Accountant is the Umpire .
4) Why have Ethical Guidelines for Mortgage Brokers ?
Networking with Mortgage Brokers can expose the Accountant's Client to increased risk if the Mortgage Broker is not given clear Ethical Guidelines and boundaries.
5) What are consequences of Alpha Mortgage Brokers/Credit Advisers/Mortgage Coaches/Client Relationship Consultants and Managers/Accountants/ referring  Clients
 to an un-authorised Financial Planner group or to an un-authorised Mortgage Broker group ?
Some FP groups have a long history of promoting dubious investment products.
The incentive for the FP has been high commissions for the high risk products. Theses unethical FP's then entice ignorant Mortgage Brokers to offer these high commission Investment products to the unsuspecting Clients of the Accountant . These Clients are led to believe that their Accountant has endorsed the high risk product.
As more and more Mortgage Brokers are being roped into 'alliances' with spurious FP groups, this scenario is becoming a common occurrence.