Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday, August 6, 2012

How to effectively Market your Website - 1

How to effectively Market your Website - 1

The link in this blog is an article commenting on the success of Websites .
The problem with its central argument is that it is based on a Pre-Social Media mindset .

The article goes on to say ,
 " A well designed website may be more effective than social media
at influencing consumer decisions .." .

Firstly ,
a Website should not be separated from Social Media in any of its functions . 
If your Website is separated from Social Media it will be severely hampered ,
and easily beaten by the competition  .
If we were to rephrase the quote to say,
" A well designed Car may be more effective than its engine
 at influencing customer decisions ",
 the absurdity of the statement becomes more obvious .

Secondly ,
a Website is only as good as its ability to be found on search engines ,
and primarily through Google searches .
Every week I speak to clients who complain
 that they have just spent $30-40k on the latest Website,
 which has all the latest 'bells and whistles',
looks fantastic and is easily navigated .
But there is one huge problem with it,
hardly anyone is visiting it !
As a result of low levels of traffic,
there are very few Sales for that Business .
The Website now becomes a 6 Star Hotel in the desert ,
that nobody knows is there.
The internet literally is inundated with  millions of such Websites.

If you want a lot of traffic to your Website,
you cannot separate it from Social Media Marketing.
Google now recognises the interaction of
Facebook, Twitter , YouTube , Google+,
LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram and even MySpace,
in its calculations to determine the ranking of your Website.

What do you think ?
Have you ever had an under-performing Website ?
How did you solve your Website effectiveness ?

We will continue to discuss how to effectively Market your Website
 in the next Part of this Series .

Would you like your Business on Page 1 for Google searches ?

Contact Craig Holme on 0423 585 932, or 08 8218 4888,
Gmail - .
Twitter -  .
Facebook -  .
Facebook Business Page -  .

Your success is clearly in site | adelaidenow -

Copyright - Alpha Training and Development - Craig Holme - 2012 .

Success Strategies for Small Business

Craig Holme Consultants | LinkedIn

How to beat Depression - 2

How to beat Depression - 2 | LinkedIn

Friday, August 3, 2012

How to avoid Negative Equity - 10

How to avoid Negative Equity - 10

What are the predictions for the Spring Quarter ?

There is a lot of apprehension in the Property Markets
 in Adelaide , Melbourne and Brisbane,
as to how the Property Market will fare during the Spring Quarter.

Our concern is particularly for the Melbourne Market.

In Domain , July 31st 2012 , an article entitled ,
' Predictions for the Spring Market ',
continues ' But what exactly can they expect from the traditional selling season ?
Will it be all doom and gloom, or are things looking up ?

Andrew Wilson , the Senior Economist at Australian Property Moinitors,
gives his insights on what is happening in Australia's capital city markets .

Melbourne -
But the jury is still out on how the Melbourne market will do over the remainder of the year .
..Wilson is expecting the Melbourne market to remain subdued.'

Therefore it is extremely important for Melbourne householders with
an LVR ( Loan to Value Ratio ) of 80% or more,
to create an effective strategy to beat the Negative Equity trap.

If you would like assistance in creating this strategy,
contact Craig Holme on 0423 585 932 ,
Gmail - .

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Why are female Artists discriminated against ? - 1

Why are female Artists discriminated against ? - 1

This week we have seen the blatant discrimination against a major female Artist ,
 Sharon Davson , in the Australian media .

Sharon Davson from Newcastle , Australia has recently set a new Australian record for the sale of art by a living Australian Artist of $5.2million .
What is infuriating is the reaction from some Art critics.

Let us first look at the recent history of discrimination against female Artists .
 It is best summed up by the statement of Art Critic Brian Sewell
who was quoted in ' Women and Hollywood '
in an article entitled " Prejudice and Descrimination against women artists ".
He is reported to have said ,
'The art market is not sexist ...
The likes of Bridget Riley and Louise Bourgeois are of the second and third rank.
There has never been a first-rank woman artist..
Only men are capable of aesthetic greatness.
Women make up 50% or more of classes at art school.
Yet they fade away in their late 20's or 30's ,
maybe it's something to do with bearing children.'

The reactionary statements against Sharon Davson have the same type
of discriminatory tone.

 In the next Part of this Series we will look closer at the opposition
Sharon Davson is facing in Australia

What do you think ? .

Contact Craig Holme 0423 585 932 .
Gmail -  .

How to avoid Negative Equity - 9

How to avoid Negative Equity - 9 .

Our major concern is Home owners with valuations of $700k or more ,
especially in Adelaide , Melbourne and Brisbane,
including the whole of South East Queensland.

Some Property commentators are predicting that the top end of House Values
will be the hardest hit by the Negative Equity trap,
 as Property Prices drop 10-20% over the next 12-24 months .

An article in The Australian Financial Review, Thursday 2 August 2012,
 entitled, ' Capital house prices improve ',
states, " While the housing markets in Sydney and Perth are showing relative strength,
commentators said Melbourne and Brisbane were still weak
and prices were likely to slide further."

If you have a house in Melbourne or Brisbane valued at $700k or more,
and you LVR ( Loan to Value Ratio ) is 80% or more,
eg your Home Loan is $560k or more,
then it is time to get serious about beating the Negative Equity trap.

If you find your House falling into Negative Equity,
or feel that it may do so,
do not stop your repayment program.
It is best to contact your Bank or financial institution immediately
with a plan of action to beat Negative Equity,
you may choose to do some extra repayments .

Ask your Accountant or Finance Consultant to assist you with this process,
as you need their expertise to prevent the Bank repossessing your home.

What is your view on,
1- Property Market dropping 10-20% over the next 12-24 months.
2- Negative Equity being a taboo subject.
3 - Households being educated to deal with Negative Equity.

Contact Craig Holme on 0423 585 932, or 08 8218 4888.
Gmail - .  . .

Copyright - Craig Holme - Alpha Training - 2012 .

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Is your Accountant a Commentator or a Coach ? - 1

Is your Accountant a Commentator or a Coach ?
By Commentator I am referring to the type of role of a Sports Commentator ,
who is seated in an Air Conditioned Box
 in the spectator section keeping tabs on the progress of the game .
But the commentator is not actually in the game ,
so whether the home team wins or loses is of no real consequence .
What matters to the commentator is the statistics , and keeping an accurate record .

However , the Coach is down in the Game with the Players ,
and whether the Home Team wins or loses means everything .
 The Coach has his career on the line based on the success of the Home Team following his/her instructions and beating the competition .

In the next Parts of this Series we will explain why your Accountant
needs to be a Coach and not a Commentator.

Contact Craig Holme on 0423 585 932 or 08 8218 4888 .
Gmail - . .

Copyright - Craig Holme - 2011/2012 - Alpha Training

Saturday, February 18, 2012

How Art Haus Global achieved success through Social Media - 2

How Art Haus Global achieved success through Social Media - 2

My problem was understanding the Social Media language
 that Jeremy Reynolds from Alpha Social Media
was using to describe what could be possible on the Social Networks .
So I asked Jeremy to focus on language lessons initially .
If you are Boomer Business owner/ manager / Leader / Salesperson
you may relate to this issue .

But ,
don't be intimidated by talk of iTunes and Clouds ,
the Key is to engage a pragmatic Social Media Maketing group
to do all the work for you ,
whilst you are learning the lingo .
A mistake some Business people make
is to wait until they understand how everything Social works ,
before getting started .

Alpha Social Media got started immediately with Social Marketing
the Art Haus Global concept ,
and the results have far exceeded my best expectations .
All of this happened without me initially having a clue .

Would you like your Business propelled to the
front of Social Media ?

Contact Jeremy Reynolds on +61 08 8218 4888 ,
or Gmail    .


Contact Craig Holme on +61 08 8218 4888,
Email - ,
Facebook -   ;

- Copyright - Alpha Training - Craig Holme - 2011 / 2012 .

Friday, February 17, 2012

How Art Haus Global achieved Success through Social Media - 1

How Art Haus Global achieved Success through Social Media - 1

Art Haus Global started around 2+ years ago with the two-fold  intention of assisting local Artists , and providing an outlet for Artists from Third World countries .

We contacted Jeremy Reynolds at Alpha Social Media
to handle all the Marketing for Art Haus Global .
 The outstanding results that Jeremy Reynolds
and the Alpha Social Media Team have achieved for us
 is absolutely incredible !

Here is part of our story of how the Social Marketing process evolved
for  myself as Director of Art Haus Global .

I initially asked Jeremy Reynolds ,
who is my Son-in-Law ,
to create an effective Social Media Marketing Campaign
for Art Haus Global .
My intention was simply to create Brand Awareness .

However , I had a major problem to overcome ,
being a Baby Boomer I couldnt understand the
Generation X and Y Social Media language .
Jeremy may as well have been talking to me in Latin ,
I had no idea what he was talking about .
Facebook was completely foreign to me ,
as I looked upon it as a fun thing
that my Wife and Daughters and Grandchildren were involved with .

I thought I had more important things to do
than ' Tweet ' ,
which I didnt ' get ' anyway ,
no matter how many times it was explained .
My response was ,
" Why would I want to know
when someone was taking a dump ,
or what they thought of the coffee ?"
It just didn't make any sense .

But ,
that all changed in a big way
when I was hiking mid-winter 2010 ,
and I  fell down a slipery slope ,
which resulted in busting up my leg .

As I was being rescued by the SES Team ,
it dawned on me that this was going to force a change on me .

I was confined to a wheelchair for a little while ,
and was on serious pain-killers ,
which meant normal business meetings were not possible .
So ,
I was stuck in front of the Computer Screen .

As it turned out ,
What an Opportunity !

We will continue with explaining
How Alpha Social Media achieved
great Social Marketing success for Art Haus Global
in the next Part of this Series .

Pictured below myself , with my youngest daughter Ferial Reynolds .

Contact Craig Holme on +61 08 8218 4888,
or Mobile 0423 585 932 .
Skype - craigholme1   ;

Copyright - Alpha Social Media - Craig Holme - 2011/2012 .

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Why create a Social Business Profile - 1

Why create a Social Business Profile ? 1

This is a typical Question that we receive
from our Business / Management / Sales / Leadership Clients
on a regular basis .

Q - How can I keep my personal  life , family , friends ,
separate from from my Business Marketing on Social Media ?

It is possible to maintain separation
between your Personal Profile
and your Business Profile on Social Networks .
The first step is to create a separate Business Profile
on Socially oriented Networks .
This is not necessary on Business focused Networks
like LinkedIn and Plaxo .

We can assist you with guidance as to how to achieve this separation ,
and we can Manage your Social Media Marketing for you .

Contact Craig Holme on +61 08 8218 4888 ,
or Mobile 0423 585 932 .
Skype - craigholme1  .
Twitter -  ;
Facebook -   ;
Email -  ;

Copyright - Alpha Training and Development - Craig Holme - 2012 .

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How to make Franchising Work - 1

How to make Franchising Work - Part 1 .

If you are a Franchisor , or looking into Franchising ,
and asking the Question ,
" How much can I make by Franchising my Business ? "
You are asking the wrong Question .
Instead try asking ,
" How can I Systemise  my Business ? "

If you ask the right question from the outset ,
then you will succeed   with your Franchise Model .
However , if you ask the wrong Question , you will probably fail .

Very few Franchise Consulting Companies will tell you this reality upfront .
Why ?
Because they don't have the courage
 to tell you that you are asking the wrong Question ,
thinking that if they tell you the truth they may lose you as a Client .

In other words , they are saying to you ,

We would rather tell you the Truth upfront
that you are asking the wrong Question ,
and if you get offended and walk away ,
then we know you are not going to make it anyway .
But , if you take our Advice ,
then you are setting yourself up for Success ,
and ,

For more Information ,
Contact Craig Holme on +61 08 8218 4888 ,
or Mobile 0423 585 932 .
We currently have operations in ,
Australia ,
New Zealand,
and South Africa .

Copyright - Alpha Training - Craig Holme - 2012 .


Email - ;
Twitter -  ;
Facebook -  ;

Skype - craigholme1   ;                                

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Omega Course: This is How you remind me of Who I really am

Omega Course: This is How you remind me of Who I really am: This is How you remind me of Who I really am - Part 2 . Reconnecting with your Partner is easier than you think , and therein lies the h...

Omega Course: This is How you remind me of Who I really am

Omega Course: This is How you remind me of Who I really am: This is How you remind me of Who I really am - Part 1 If you are having difficulties in your relationship, it is easy to start fault fi...

Sunday, January 29, 2012