How to effectively Market your Website - 1
The link in this blog is an article commenting on the success of Websites .
The problem with its central argument is that it is based on a Pre-Social Media mindset .
The article goes on to say ,
" A well designed website may be more effective than social media
at influencing consumer decisions .." .
Firstly ,
a Website should not be separated from Social Media in any of its functions .
If your Website is separated from Social Media it will be severely hampered ,
and easily beaten by the competition .
If we were to rephrase the quote to say,
" A well designed Car may be more effective than its engine
at influencing customer decisions ",
the absurdity of the statement becomes more obvious .
Secondly ,
a Website is only as good as its ability to be found on search engines ,
and primarily through Google searches .
Every week I speak to clients who complain
that they have just spent $30-40k on the latest Website,
which has all the latest 'bells and whistles',
looks fantastic and is easily navigated .
But there is one huge problem with it,
hardly anyone is visiting it !
As a result of low levels of traffic,
there are very few Sales for that Business .
The Website now becomes a 6 Star Hotel in the desert ,
that nobody knows is there.
The internet literally is inundated with millions of such Websites.
If you want a lot of traffic to your Website,
you cannot separate it from Social Media Marketing.
Google now recognises the interaction of
Facebook, Twitter , YouTube , Google+,
LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram and even MySpace,
in its calculations to determine the ranking of your Website.
What do you think ?
Have you ever had an under-performing Website ?
How did you solve your Website effectiveness ?
We will continue to discuss how to effectively Market your Website
in the next Part of this Series .
Would you like your Business on Page 1 for Google searches ?
Contact Craig Holme on 0423 585 932, or 08 8218 4888,
Gmail - .
Twitter - .
Facebook - .
Facebook Business Page - .
Your success is clearly in site | adelaidenow -
Copyright - Alpha Training and Development - Craig Holme - 2012 .
The link in this blog is an article commenting on the success of Websites .
The problem with its central argument is that it is based on a Pre-Social Media mindset .
The article goes on to say ,
" A well designed website may be more effective than social media
at influencing consumer decisions .." .
Firstly ,
a Website should not be separated from Social Media in any of its functions .
If your Website is separated from Social Media it will be severely hampered ,
and easily beaten by the competition .
If we were to rephrase the quote to say,
" A well designed Car may be more effective than its engine
at influencing customer decisions ",
the absurdity of the statement becomes more obvious .
Secondly ,
a Website is only as good as its ability to be found on search engines ,
and primarily through Google searches .
Every week I speak to clients who complain
that they have just spent $30-40k on the latest Website,
which has all the latest 'bells and whistles',
looks fantastic and is easily navigated .
But there is one huge problem with it,
hardly anyone is visiting it !
As a result of low levels of traffic,
there are very few Sales for that Business .
The Website now becomes a 6 Star Hotel in the desert ,
that nobody knows is there.
The internet literally is inundated with millions of such Websites.
If you want a lot of traffic to your Website,
you cannot separate it from Social Media Marketing.
Google now recognises the interaction of
Facebook, Twitter , YouTube , Google+,
LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram and even MySpace,
in its calculations to determine the ranking of your Website.
What do you think ?
Have you ever had an under-performing Website ?
How did you solve your Website effectiveness ?
We will continue to discuss how to effectively Market your Website
in the next Part of this Series .
Would you like your Business on Page 1 for Google searches ?
Contact Craig Holme on 0423 585 932, or 08 8218 4888,
Gmail - .
Twitter - .
Facebook - .
Facebook Business Page - .
Your success is clearly in site | adelaidenow -
Copyright - Alpha Training and Development - Craig Holme - 2012 .
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