Friday, October 4, 2013

How to Franchise your Business - 3

How to Franchise your Business - 3 | LinkedIn

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

What are the Dangers of Baby Boomer Retirement ? - 1

What are the Dangers of Baby Boomer Retirement ? - 1

This subject is a very Hot Potato,
nobody wants to discuss it,
nearly everybody wants to pass it on,
very few are willing to discuss Pragmatic Solutions.

1 - What proportion of the Australian Population will be Retirees
     in 2020 ?
2 - What effect will the ageing population have on Property Prices,
     and on the Property Cycle ?

In this Series we will be outlining exactly what the
 Baby Boomer Demographic problems are,
and we will be creating Strategic Solutions for those
not wanting to be caught in the coming Tidal Wave.

We are hoping to spark Debate on this Subject,
so that appropriate actions can be taken
to avoid a Financial Crisis in Australian and New Zealand Households.

The following is a Wake Up article on the impending
Baby Boomer induced USA Property Crisis .

The Next Housing Crisis

Would you like to join the Conversation on Facebook ?

Craig Holme Facebook


Has Confidence returned to the Australian Property Market ? - 11

Has Confidence returned to the Australian Property Market ? - 11

In order to determine whether we should be Confident
about the Australian Property Market,
we need to urgently answer the following 2 Questions -

1 - What proportion of the Australian Population will be Retirees
      in 2020 ?

2 - What proportion of the Australian Population will be Retirees
      in 2030 ?

The answers to these vital questions are almost never discussed
by Property Commentators ! Why ?

By raising these Questions I am not being pessimistic about Property,
but rather Realistic,
with a Strategic Purpose .

In most cases the only time Retirees Buy Property
is when they are Down-sizing.

If we were to go to a Doctor with a pain in our stomach,
and the Doctor was to then say,
" I have absolute Confidence that your body has overcome this Problem",
without giving any prescription, or advice, or cure for the ailment,
What would you say ?

There is no point in us announcing that,
"Confidence has returned to Property ",
unless we have a Prescribed Cure for the Problem !

The Problem is the Baby Boomer Retirement Tidal Wave.

Would you like to join the Conversation on Facebook ?

Craig Holme Facebook


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Has Confidence returned to the Australian Property Market ? - 10

Has Confidence returned to the Australian Property Market ? - 10

We keep getting told over and over again that
" Confidence is returning to the Property market ."

My concern is that this constant barrage of Sales Hype,
keeps us from looking at the Reality of the Property Market.
We are not motivated to fix the Problems causing
weak Sales results,
because we are believing the Sales Hype.

We cannot fix the Problems that are causing
weak Demand for Australian Property,
if we think that part of the Problem is
"lack of confidence".

We are going to show clearly that a major
issue causing weak Demand,
 is the relatively taboo subject of
Baby Boomer Retirement.
Property Developers should be the group that is the most alarmed
by this Demographic Trend.
Instead we are seeing large scale denial of the Real Problem.

Some forecasters are predicting that 1 in 5 people in
Australian Society will be a Senior by 2030 !
The repercussions of this Tidal Wave of Retirees
will be catastrophic to the Property Industry unless
serious action is taken now.

In an Article entitled ,
"Baby boomers, FIFOs,
debt will cause historic change to the WA Property landscape",
on July 5th, 2012 on the Domain Website,
it reported,
"The WA Property Market will experience
 the greatest fundamental transformation in its history."

In the next Part of this Series we will explore Why
this is happening,
and what we can pro-actively do about it.

Baby Boomers Article - Domain

Craig Holme Facebook


What are the dangers of Reverse Mortgages ? - 3

What are the dangers of Reverse Mortgages ? - 3

The following Article explains how there are currently 57,000 Seniors
 in danger of losing their Homes in the USA
because of Reverse Mortgages .

 Financial Planners who are currently recommending Reverse Mortgages
should read the following ABC article .

Dangers of Reverse Mortgages

Will Australian Seniors who take out Reverse Mortgages experience the same
problems as those in the USA ?

Craig Holme Consulting

Phone 0423 585 932 .


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Has Confidence returned to the Australian Property Market ? - 7

Has Confidence returned to the Australian Property Market - 7

The purpose of this Series on Property Confidence
 is to counter the Hype Sales approach of some Property spruikers ,
especially in South East Queensland,
and to provide anti-Hype information to those wanting to avoid Negative Equity,
and also to those Buying Property.

If we were to believe the Hype Sales approach
there isn't a problem with South East Queensland,
and everything is " On the up and up for 2013 ".

We are wanting to answer this question ,
" Why is South East Queensland experiencing
a greater  % drop in Property Prices than Sydney or Melbourne ?

In the next Part of this Series we will discuss Solutions to this question.

Would you like to join the conversation on,

Craig Holme Facebook

Craig Holme Twitter

Phone Craig Holme on 0423 585 932 .