Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Has Confidence returned to the Australian Property Market ? - 7

Has Confidence returned to the Australian Property Market - 7

The purpose of this Series on Property Confidence
 is to counter the Hype Sales approach of some Property spruikers ,
especially in South East Queensland,
and to provide anti-Hype information to those wanting to avoid Negative Equity,
and also to those Buying Property.

If we were to believe the Hype Sales approach
there isn't a problem with South East Queensland,
and everything is " On the up and up for 2013 ".

We are wanting to answer this question ,
" Why is South East Queensland experiencing
a greater  % drop in Property Prices than Sydney or Melbourne ?

In the next Part of this Series we will discuss Solutions to this question.

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Phone Craig Holme on 0423 585 932 .


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